


Monday, October 1, 2012

Vatican - miniMONOGRAPHS of Art Places (Sonia Gallico)

Vatican - miniMONOGRAPHS of Art Places

Sonia Gallico

Blurb: Tradition has it that St. Peter, who was crucified between 64 and 67 A.D., was then buried in a necropolis which sprung up in the Ager Vaticanus, north of the Circus of Nero.

In the second century a small chapel was built on his tomb, which later became the heart of the 4th century basilica. 

Shortly after recognising Christianity with the Edict of Milan in 313, the Emperor Constantine did in fact start building a vast basilica on the site, which was consecrated in 329.

And pilgrims flocked to this same basilica, lavishly decorated by great artists, from the early 14th century onwards, coming on foot from all over Europe to worship the tomb of the 'King of the Apostles'.

ISBN: 8875712166 (Paperback)
Year: 2005
Publisher: Roma Editrice
Pages: 48 (Non-Fiction)


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